660) Al-quran and the Islamic law :- আল-ক্বোরান ও ইসলামিক আইন। – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman

660 https://parg.co/USyI ) Al-quran and the Islamic law :- আল-ক্বোরান ও ইসলামিক আইন। – Written by Junayed Ashrafur Rahman https://parg.co/UYAr ( http://ow.ly/efEw102XXHZ ) ✒ https://1drv.ms/w/s!AmuqdL4zCtikggCuGFMpibeTdMUD 🌟 https://write.as/h2uei7epnjaoo https://www.facebook.com/groups/1565909860294540/permalink/1605808606304665/?mibextid=nif5oz “Al-quran indicates only urgent directions for the human lives (আল-ক্বোরান শুধুমাত্র মানব জীবনের আবশ্যিক বিষয়ের নির্দেশনা প্রদান করে।).” We know that, Al-Quran is the last divine book. And no literary book can be equivalent to the Al-Quran. This is why, Al-Quran indicates only urgent directions for the human lives. Suppose you have a laptop computer. One day, your laptop is attacked T-virus (=technical virus=vital information resources under seas). Now, if you search any solution in the Quran - then, your search will be incorrect. Because :- Al-Quran indicates only urgent directions for the human lives. This is why, the four found...